nuestro equipo
Patricia escobar rectora

Our headmistress

Patricia Escobar is an anthropologist from the Universidad del Cauca, with a specialisation in Family Guidance from the Universidad Javeriana and a Certificate of International School Leadership from the PTC in London, with more than 30 years of experience in education. He has led preschool and primary school areas, coordinated international IB programmes (PYP, MYP, DP) and participated in CIS accreditation processes. Her career includes key roles in educational institutions, consolidating her pedagogical leadership and commitment to educational excellence.

Our team


Alexandra Ortíz Gíl

Head of Early Years and Pre-school

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Katherine García Viedman

Primary Director


Nini Johanna Ruiz Jaramillo

Baccalaureate Director


Vanessa Buzeta de la Fuente

IBDP Director


Coloma Botas Armero

Learning Center Director


Óscar Mauricio Marín Camacho

Administrative Director

maria paula

María Paula Escobar Escrucería

Marketing and Experience Director